Jamm21 Ltd Day3 #30DaysWild!
Swifts are massively in decline in the UK and according to the RSPB this is due to a loss of stable nesting sites - Swifts need our help!!
Help nesting Swifts and the RSPB by taking part in Swift Mapper
Swift Mapper is an app that can easily be downloaded to your phone. The RSPB have a load of information on it here: Swift Conservation RSPB
The RSPB need your help to look out for nesting or screaming swifts near you so they can identify nest sites that need protection.
Day 3 - We went outside after a hard days work to find the most Specatcular Swift Screaming party - there must have been at least 50 Swifts! Screaming parties are groups of Swifts flying and calling loudly at low level - which means they are most likely breeding nearby. You can help encourage this behaviour by installing a Swift Brick/Box on your home. They are avaialble to buy or you can make one for yourself fairly easily. I expect you'll see a "how to" post about this coming from us very soon :)
Here is a brief video of what we saw... Apologies that they look like sky ants, but as anyone who has tried to film swifts on a mobile phone knows, It is nigh on impossible!!
#Swifts #ScreamingParty #Climatechange #30DaysWild! #Jamm21Ltd #Greentechnology